Summer Camp Basketball Registration

Registration Fee $125 Online / $135 at Door
Camp Dates: 6/10/24 - 6/12/24
Registration Deadline is June 9th

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian(Required)

Player Information

Player's Name(Required)

Insurance Information

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name(Required)

General Release, Waiver of Liability & Hold Harmless Agreement

That (Parent/Guardian) hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Hiram Youth Basketball Association, HBBC Board of Directors, Hiram HS and the Paulding County School District against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, rights and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature, specifically including, but not limited to, bodily and personal injuries of the undersigned or (Player Name #1,2,3) as their minor child, as well as all hospital bills, doctor bills, drug bills, and other medical expense, general and punitive damages, that may result from any incident occurring while en route to or from, or while on the premises of the facilities used by Hiram Booster Basketball Club. It is expressly agreed that the undersigned fully understands that the execution of this document will prevent the undersigned or (Player Name #1,2,3) their minor child, from asserting any claim as set forth herein, sustained while on the premises or en route to or from said premises. I hereby give permission for my child to obtain medical care by medical professionals. Additionally, I give permission for transportation to a medical care facility if required.
Parent / Guardian Consent(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY


After filling out all required information and clicking the SUBMIT button, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your registration.